His Purple Royalty

My heart is truly broken today. We have lost an amazing man, artist, and all time performer today. I have been in love with this man since I was in Junior High. Everything about him from his music, his talent, his voice, his sexy looks, to the eccentric way he dressed I fell in love with. He never stayed in the limelight and usually stayed to himself. A man that a lot would say is one of the greatest. You were before your time with everything that you did and the world has truly lost a legend. May your spirit live on through your music and your fans. You will be missed by me greatly. RIP Prince Nelson Rogers

Never an option

I will never give up because quitting isn’t in my DNA. I have conquered almost every obstacle in my life and continue to do so everyday. If you move straight ahead and the obstacle doesn’t move, then take another route. If anything is worth fighting for then do just that, don’t give up. You may regret that decision in the future.


Excerpt from The Switch Up

He stood around 5’11 with a small curly fro with tapered edges, he was an average build, but you could tell his upper body had muscles protruding through his fitted black suit. Here it was on this brisk December morning that Seleste and Simone sat in Starbucks drinking their coffees when he walked through the door. They both watched as he walked to the counter to place his order. Seleste eyed the mystery man up and down before speaking to her identical twin Simone. “Damn, he is fine. And he is wearing the hell out of that suit.” Seleste finished by licking her lips.
Simone shook her head at her overzealous sister. Seleste always acted this way when something or someone caught her eye. She was the same way when it came to a pair of new shoes. Therefore, the man in the suit was not a surprise to her.
Simone glanced over at him and she couldn’t deny that he had a certain appeal about him. Seleste and her were different as night as day even though they were identical. Seleste being the oldest by all of five minutes felt she needed to dress as the females in the music videos. Her job as a freelance photographer sometimes gifted her outfits from the shoot if the models didn’t want them. Whereas Simone dressed classy and kept a majority of her, body covered. Their height was approximately 5’4, thick thighs, booty shaped like an onion, with 34 DD breasts. Their cocoa complexion complimented their thick curly brown hair and light brown eyes. Simone always wore her hair curly and Seleste hers straightened that was the only way people could identify the two.
Simone glanced back towards the counter to take a quick peek at the mystery man. “He is very handsome. I like his tapered beard; it’s clean cut on him. I usually don’t like a hairy face on a man.”
Seleste turned back towards her sister. “You should go talk to him before he leaves.”
“I don’t know about that. You’re the one that is outspoken. I don’t approach a man first. You know that.”
“Simone that is exactly why you don’t have a man, besides you’re always hiding your body. When is the last time that you have been in a relationship?” Looking at her sister’s expression answered her question. “Exactly, so what are you waiting on an invitation? It’s 2015 girl, women ask men out all the time. You need to get with the times chick.”
“Just because we were blessed with the bodies that we have doesn’t mean I have to accentuate my ass and tits like you do, Seleste. My social life or lack thereof has nothing to do with you. I am old fashioned; I feel a man should still ask a woman out.” Simone barked at her sister. Seleste always had something to say about how she carried herself and not having a man, but she went through men like underwear. Her sister didn’t give up the cookies quickly but she was a huge tease. She would use her feminine wiles to manipulate men in giving her whatever she wanted. Simone couldn’t bring herself to act in such a way. They always butted heads when it came to their ideas of dating. Simone wanted a forever and Seleste lived for the moment.
“Ewe, did I hit a nerve lil sis? I didn’t mean to make you mad.”
“No, and you are only five minutes older than me, so be quiet.” Simone rolled her eyes as she looked over at the man once again. He placed his order already and stood patiently waiting. He glanced around the shop and caught Simone’s gaze. He flashed a pair of pearly white teeth in her direction and Simone returned with her own smile.
“See he is smiling at you, go talk to him. I’ll go with you.”
“I don’t know about that.”
Seleste grabbed her sister’s arm and pulled her out of her chair, and made a beeline towards the counter. Simone tried to keep a smile on her face as they arrived in front of the man.
“Good morning, I’m Seleste Humphries and this is my sister Simone. What’s your name?”
The man smiled at the both of them before replying in a silky smooth baritone voice.”Hello ladies I am Erik Rivers, nice to meet the both of you.” His gaze lingered on Simone.
Simone found her voice. “Hello, nice to meet you also.”
Seleste not one to make small talk asked. “Do you want to join us at our table?”
Erik glanced at his watch. He had a meeting at the bank at ten a.m., so he had a little time left. “Sure I have a few minutes to spare.”
He followed the twins lead and walked towards their table. After everyone sat down, Seleste sparked up a conversation. “So what do you do for a living? Do you live around here? Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
“Damn, Seleste. Stop asking him so many questions. You have to excuse my sister Erik.” Simone beyond embarrassed began to pick with her napkin.
Erik laughed. “It’s ok, Simone is it?” Simone nodded her head in agreement. “Seleste, I am a mechanic, I live in Virginia Beach, and I have a younger brother and sister. What about the two of you?”
Before Simone could speak, Seleste interjected as she always did. “Well I am a freelance photographer, I live in Virginia Beach also, and Simone is my only sibling. Simone is a journalist for a magazine.”
“Both of you have impressive careers.”
Both of the twins smiled simultaneously. “Thank you for the compliment.”
“You are welcome.” He grinned at Simone causing her to blush a little. Seleste poked her in the side causing her to receive an evil glare from her twin.”Is this a daily spot for the both of you?”He asked looking directly at Simone there was something about her that intrigued him. Of course, she had a twin but she stood out more without having to say much.
In the process of answering Erik, Seleste stepped in before she could utter a word. “Simone comes here every day because she works nearby but as for me I only come here once in awhile.” Becoming aggravated with Seleste, Simone decided it was time for her to leave.
“I need to make my way to work. It was nice meeting you Erik. Maybe we will meet again. Seleste call me later.” Simone said giving her sister a kiss on the cheek, and stepped out in the brisk air to head to work. She wished she could stay and try to get to know Erik but her editor was waiting for her article. Erik only heard a little of what Seleste was saying while he followed Simone out the door.

* * * * * * *

Around mid afternoon, Seleste called Simone while she was at work. “Hey are you busy?”
“No, I am at a stopping point on this article. What’s up?”
“Remember Erik from this morning?”
“Yea, how can I forget? What about him?”
“We sat and chatted for a little while longer and we exchanged numbers.” Seleste waited on the other end waiting from a response from her sister. “Simone, did you hear what I said?”
“Yes, I heard you.”
“Well what do you think?”
“You know I was interested and you just swooped in like you always do in Seleste fashion taking over the conversation.”
“How was I supposed to know? You didn’t say much and then you rushed off.”
“Did you give me a chance to say anything, besides I did have to come to work?”
“If you don’t want me to talk to him, I won’t. I want us to be good.”
“No, you go ahead. How are we not good? We are blood and you know I love you.”
“Ok cool, thanks sis. I love you too. You are the best. Talk to you later.”
Simone hung up the phone. It never failed Seleste always won. While they were growing up, Seleste always acted as if they were in a competition. Seleste had to top Simone on everything she achieved in school or when it came to careers. Simone never could understand why her sister acted the way she did. Now, that they were in their late twenties, nothing changed with Seleste trying to up her one. So why would it be any different when it came to a man. Blood is thicker than water, right?

Copyright(c)2016 Y M Sheree

An Author’s Rantings

With being a new author in the literary world it is very disturbing to see in the Urban Lit genre a bunch of publishers and authors at each other’s throats. Don’t you know there are more than enough readers in the world to share. It shouldn’t be any competition because we are all striving to be known. We all want our books to be read. I don’t see the reasoning behind it.
I try to show support to those who show support to my craft. I know not everyone is going to like everything that I write. I doubt I will like everything I write. Lol.

I just hope new authors like myself who are just learning about the literary world don’t become discouraged. There are great people out there that are willing to help you and better your craft. I am always willing and able to help anyone who needs it. I’m not a veteran when it comes to writing but I may learn something in the process of helping someone else.


Writer’s block

Can come at the most unexpected time. I am working on my last book for my series but I am stuck. I know what I want to transpire, it’s putting it into words. I tried listening to music while I write but it didn’t help. I think it may be because I will miss my characters. Hopefully this block won’t last long. If you do any type if writing what do you do to get over it?